Vastu and Mahabhuta

A correlation between ‘Science of Life’ and ‘Science of Architecture.


Everything in the universe is connected with each other, and so is the house we live in. the main objective of this study is to see a correlation between whether a person’s Vastu (Science of architecture) can influence his Pancha mahabhuta (composition of the human body according to Ayurveda) condition and therefore over one’s overall health.

Patients were selected for the study who were ‘Karta’(head) of the house. Patients’ Pancha mahabhuta conditions and Vastu were also analyzed.

The treatment group who were given both ayurvedic and Vastu treatment were slightly more benefitted than another group. Even though the difference was marginal, it is always better to have more benefits.

Thus, it can be concluded that a change in the Pancha mahabhuta balance of a Vastu can change the health conditions of our body.

Hence, we can use Vastu correction as one of the ways to correct a patient’s health.

Need for the Study / Introduction

Everything in the universe is connected with each other1, and so is the house we live in. the main objective of this study is to see a correlation between whether a person’s Vaastu (Science of architecture) can influence his Pancha mahabhuta2 (composition of the human body according to Ayurveda) condition and therefore over one’s overall health.

According to ayurvedic philosophy, dravya3(potentiality) is used for the treatment4 of an illness. Since ‘Dik’ (direction) is also one of the 9 dravyas mentioned in Ayurveda, an analysis was done to see whether ‘dik’ dravya can be used for various treatments.

Since Vaastu is based5 on the dravya called “dik”; Vaastu as the science of architecture was identified or used as a tool for treating various ailments.

Method of analysis

  • Chronic patients who were ‘Vaastu owners’ selected.
  • Pancha mahabhuta assessment of their disease was done.
  • All patient was randomly divided into 2 groups.
    1. Treatment group – In this group of patients, they were given ayurvedic treatment along with remedies for their Vaastu.
    2. Control Group (Placebo group) — In this group of patients, they were given ayurvedic treatment along with placebo remedies for their Vaastu.
  • The corresponding correction of their Vaastu was done along with the Pancha mahabhuta-based ayurvedic treatment.
  • The efficacy of the therapy was assessed on the basis of subjective as well as objective criteria.

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Vaastu Purush Paad

Vastu Purush Blocks
All that is represented on the earth is Vaastu and the spirit of energy of the earth is called ‘Vaastu Purusha’. Vaastu Purusha represents the five components of human beings namely the five senses touch, taste, smell, vision, and hearing. Hence the five elements like earth, water, air, fire, and sky have a direct bearing on the human constitution. Earth is related to the site, water is related to existing water bodies, fire is related to the fire element, and open space to the sky element. The human body gets energy from these five elements. Thus, the house or dwelling place must be in harmony with these elements to tap the positive energy– Gouru tirupati Reddy

Analysis of Data

Manasa Prakriti TG CG Total %
Saatvik 2 2 4 13.33
Rajasik 8 7 15 50
Tamasik 5 6 11 36.66
Socio – Economic status TG CG Total %
Lower 1 1 2 6.66
Middle 13 12 25 83.33
Upper Middle 2 1 3 10
Tamasik 5 6 11 36.66
Satva TG CG Total %
Pravara 1 1 2 6.66
Madhyam 4 6 10 33.33
Avara 10 8 18 60
Tamasik 5 6 11 36.66
Sex TG CG Total %
Female 10 7 17 56.66
Male 9 4 13 43.33
Avara 10 8 18 60
Tamasik 5 6 11 36.66
Deha TG CG Total %
Vata 11 9 20 66.66
Pitta 3 4 7 23.33
Kapha 1 2 3 10
Education TG CG Total %
Illiterate 3 1 4 13.33
SSC 5 3 8 26.66
HSC 4 4 8 26.66
Graduate & above 6 4 10 33.33
Left Category patient TG CG Left Category patient TG CG
Lower class 1 1 Female 5 2
Middle class 1 4 Male 1 0
Upper Middle class 1 0 Illiterate 1 0
Saatvik 0 0 SSC 1 1
Rajasik 2 4 HSC 1 1
Tamasik 0 2 Graduate & above 2 1
Vata Prakriti 2 5 Pravara satva 0 0
Pitta prakriti 0 1 Madhyama satva 0 3
Kapha prakriti 0 0 Avara satva 2 3


Initially, 30 patients were selected for the study. Out of which 22 patients completed the course of treatment while 8 patients had left the course against the advice at different stages. Thus, the result of only 22 patients was analyzed.

CURED 0 0 0 0
MARKED IMPROVED 2 (15.38%) 1 (11.11 %) 3 13.63
MODERATE IMPROVED 6 (46.15%) 4 (44.44%) 10 45.45
IMPROVED 5 (38.46%) 3 (33.33%) 8 36.36
UNCHANGED 0 (0%) 1 (11.11%) 1 4.54
Vaastu Results Chart


  • Though the number of patients was very less, an attempt was made to find out the relation between Panchamahabhuta and Vaastu shastra.

  • Neither of the patients was completely cured which may be due to the fact that there were lots of complexities to implementing the Vaastu remedies and simultaneously proper following of diet and lifestyle routine outlined in Ayurveda.

  • Chances of error should also be reduced by taking possible measures which might increase or help in further growth of the disease.

  • Proper Vaastu experts only should be doing the remedies and should not use any ‘Feng Shui because both sciences have different philosophies.

  • Further extensive study is required based on several other parameters to finally provide a statement about the relation and efficacy of the treatment.


Purushoayam lok sammitah‟ (Charak Sharir 5)

Shad dhatavah samuditah lok… shad dhatavah samuditah purusha” (Charak Sharir 5)

Bhutebhyo hi param yasmaat naasti chinta chikitsite” (Shushrut Sharir 1)

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